# This festival relies on the efforts of indie game developers, who we call the “Burning Beavers.”
As the name “Burning Beaver Indie Game & Culture Festival” suggests, the central role in this event is played by the “Burning Beavers.” All the “Burning Beavers” who are presenting their games are also the festival hosts.
# Seeking innovations in gaming culture through multiple dimensions
The festival seeks to offer innovative modes of gaming in terms of…
the “time” in which a participant explores the venue, tries out different games, and discovers something new and exciting;
the “experience” of becoming a game character and entering the game world through cosplay;
and the “interactions” among gamers who may discover like minds and build communities.
# A festival open to all
There is diverse content for gamers of all levels, including beginners.
Each year’s festival is unique, with new variations for exciting experiences.
The 2024 Burning Beaver Indie Game & Culture Festival is held at the easily accessible Dongdaemun Design Plaza (DDP) and is open to all.